Shippings - Sophitz, SoKeefe and Sodex

Hello! Welcome back. I'm here to talk about my favorite, and least favorite thing to talk about. (It depends)


And no, I'm not talking about the wooden boats that float you across the sea at exceedingly slow times. I'm talking about the love boat.
So, if you don't know. A ship is when the people reading a certain book, movie, tv show, other, believe that a certain boy and girl are the OTP (One True Pairing) -Fun fact, contrary to the term;s very definition, you don't have to limit yourself to just one OTP. The word ship comes from how you can say 'the ship finally sailed' or 'This ship is about to sink' or something like that. (I don't use those definitions, I just be like 'THAT SHIP IS LIKE, SO OTP!') 😉

So, this blog is not going to be subject to just one ship. I am personally a Sophitz (Sophie x Fitz) Shipper. But being the kind human being that I am, I will be nice and post many different things about the ships. (But there might be a little more Sophitz than Foster Keefe if you know what I mean)

Here are the Ships.

  • Sophitz (Sophie/Fitzmost commonly used name.
  • Sofitz (Sophie/Fitz)
  • Fitzphie (Fitz/Sophie)

Sophie and Fitz are both Cognates (A special telepathic relationship) and since the beginning of Sophie's first school year, she has had a crush on him. Though there is no actual evidence in the books, Sophie Foster and many of the Sophitz readers believe that Fitz has a crush on her back.

  • Sokeefe (So/phie and Keefe)
  • Kophie (K/eefe and S/ophie) *not a commonly used ship name*
  • Team Foster-Keefe (as named by Keefe)
  • Keephie (Kee/fe and So/phie)
  • Keefoster (as named by Keefe)
Sophie and Keefe are both friends, she met him at the beginning of the school year while she was heading to the healing center. Keefe is a mischievous boy who has horrible parents but hides all his feelings behind laughter. Though Keefe has a very dark path behind him, Sophie has forgiven Keefe.

  • Dophie (D/ex and S/ophie)
  • Dexphie (Dex and So/phie)
  • Soxter (So/phie and De/xter)
  • Sophex (Soph/ie and D/ex)
  • Sodex (So/phie and Dex)
  • Sox (So/phie and De/x)
Dex (Full name Dexter) and Sophie is not a very common ship, I have met (and am personal friends) with a Sodex shipper. Sophie met Dex at his father's apothecary shop. Sophie took an immediate liking to Dex him being his own perky, mischievous self. The only problem I see with the ship is that they are cousins by adoption. Even though you can marry your adoptive cousin. To me, it's a little weird. Other people might have different opinions though.

  • Tophie (T/am and S/ophie)
  • Taphie (Ta/m and So/phie)
  • Sam (S/ophie and T/am)
  • Sotam (So/phie and Tam)
Sotam is probably the least shipped shipping because they have no romantic interest in each other. The only moment is that Tam says he doesn't care about Sophie and 'took a quick glance at Biana' during one of the first meetings.

And there are much more shippings, but today I am focusing on Sophie Fosters Shipping. I will soon though post stuff about the other pairings. But that's all for now. Bye!



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