Why I Like Keeper Of The Lost Cities

 Hello again, Welcome Back!  I'm glad you decided to look at this post.  Today I'm going to share why I like the book Keeper of the Lost Cities.
   I love this book because Shannon Messenger (the author) keeps the story going! There is never a dull moment in the books. The books are good for young kids because they don't have much violence involved. Yes, there is a war and an ogre and bad guy army out to get them, but when Shannon is trying to describe blood she says 'red' and other stuff. I wouldn't read it to kids who get scared really easily. But it is a very good thing to read. Even to 6+!
   Shannon has a very good writing style and for a person who strives to write, I've seen and studied a lot! She makes it easy to understand, and she puts it in Sophie's perspective perfectly.
   I also just love the book because it is just amazing. The plot line is great, the characters seem real (Real enough for an imaginary friend 😍) When anything happens to my little kiddos- I mean the characters, I want to weep along with the rest of the gang as someone almost dies

*cough* again *cough*

Also, one devastating fact. Shannon Messenger is so good at making cliffhangers, I'm DYING for Nightfall come out!!! LIKE. LODESTAR HAS THE WORST CLIFFHANGER EVER

Well, that ends this blog post. Sorry that took so long. Welp, bye!


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